Submission Practices


A Gift From God

When Abraham implored God in 14:40, he did not ask for wealth or health, the gift he implored for was: "Please God, make me one who observes the contact prayers (Salat)." The religious duties instituted by God are in fact a great gift from Him. They constitute the nourishment required for the growth and development of our Souls. Without such nourishment, we cannot survive the immense energy associated with God's physical presence on the Day of Judgement. Belief in God does not by itself guarantee our redemption; we must also nourish our souls (6:158, 10:90-92).

Additionally, 15:99 states that observing the religious duties instituted by God is our means of attaining certainty: "Worship your Lord in order to attain certainty."

The Five Pillars


Bearing witness there is no god besides God (Shahada)

Contact Prayer

Observing the five daily Contact Prayers (Salat)


Fasting during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (Ramadan)

Obligatory Charity

Giving away 2.5% of one's net income as a charity to specified people (Zakat)


Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime for those who can afford it (Hajj)

The Five Pillars summarize our religious duties. As Submitters, we recognize that Submission is called "The Religion of Abraham" (2:130, 135; 3:95; 4:125; 6:161; 12:37-38; 16:123; 21:73; 22:78), and that Muhammed was a "follower of Abraham" (16:123). The Quran confirms that Abraham had founded the religion, and established all known practices today. The Quran confirms their existence throughout several verses (3:18, 47:19, 8:35, 9:54, 16:123, 21:73, 6:141, 7:156, 2:215, 2:183-187, 2:197, 9:2, 9:36....).

Using the Quran, Submitters are able to filter out all the corruptions that have afflicted these practices. The most purified form of these practices are then extracted. Unlike Quranists and other traditional sects, Submitters are unified in this aspect, and are able to hold congregations and pray side by side. Dr. Rashad Khalifa, the 'Messenger of the Covenant' prophesized in 3:81 had a specific function among many others to purify all religions and consolidate them into one, Submission, and lay out all the major corrections required.

(1) Testimony

[3:18] GOD bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge. Truthfully and equitably, He is the absolute God; there is no god but He, the Almighty, Most Wise.


*3:18 The proclamation of faith (Shahaadah) that is decreed by God is: "There is no god except God," in Arabic "La Elaaha Ella Allah" (see also 37:35, 47:19).


Only One Shahada in Quran: 2:163 2:255 3:2 3:6 3:18 4:87 6:102 6:106 7:158 9:31 10:90 11:14 13:30 16:2 20:8 20:14 20:98 21:25 21:87 23:116 27:26 28:70 28:88 35:3 37:35 39:6 40:3 40:62 40:65 44:8 47:19 59:22 59:23 64:13 73:9

(2) Contact Prayer

The five daily contact prayers are the main meals for the soul. While a soul may attain some growth and development by leading a righteous life, and without observing the contact prayers, this would be like surviving on snacks without regular meals.


We learn from 2:37 that we can establish contact with God by uttering the specific Arabic words given to us by God. Sura 1, The Key, is a mathematically composed combination of sounds that unlocks the door between us and God.


  • The Dawn Prayer must be observed during two hours before sunrise (11:114, 24:58).

  • The Noon Prayer is due when the sun declines from its highest point at noon (17:78).

  • The Afternoon Prayer can be observed during the 3-4 hours preceding sunset (2:238).

  • The Sunset becomes due after sunset (11:114).

  • The Night can be observed after the twilight disappears from the sky (24:58).

  • (+) The Friday noon congregational prayer is an obligatory duty upon every Submitting man and woman (62:9).

Each contact prayer is valid if observed anytime during the period it becomes due until the next prayer becomes due.

Once missed, a given contact prayer is a missed opportunity that cannot be made up; one can only repent and ask forgiveness. The five prayers consist of 2, 4, 4, 3, and 4 units (Rak'ahs), respectively.

Salat Came From Abraham

The proof that Salat was already established through Abraham is found in 8:35, 9:54, 16:123, & 21:73. This most important duty in Islam (Submission) has been so severely distorted that the contact prayers (Salat) have become a practice in idolatry for the vast majority of Muslims. Although the Quran commands that our contact prayers must be devoted to God alone (20:14; 39:3, 45), today's Muslims insist on commemorating "Muhammad and his family" and "Abraham and his family" during their prayers. This renders the prayers null and void (39:65).

Purification of the Contact Prayer

Dr. Rashad Khalifa, the Messenger of the Covenant prophesized in 3:81 had a specific function among many others to purify all religions and consolidate them into one, ('Submission'), and lay out all the major corrections required. The Code 19 miracle also independently authenticates these historically known Abrahamic practices in many different ways (see Appendix 1 and 15).

For example, the distorted ablution is restored in 5:6 to its original four steps. The tone of voice during the contact prayers (Salat) was distorted - many Muslims pray silently. This was corrected in the Quran, 17:110. The prayer should also be dedicated absolutely to God alone (72:18, 20:14, 6:162) - mentioning other names (e.g. the prophets) before ending the prayer is common practice among traditionalists. Even the first chapter (Sura Fatiha), of 7 verses, is not recited fully (the first verse known as the Basmalah is almost universally omitted by the reciters heading the prayers).

(3) Obligatory Charity

The Obligatory Charity (Zakat) must be given away "on the day of harvest" (6:141). Whenever we receive "net income," we must set aside 2.5% and give it to the specified recipients - the parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien, in this order (2:215). The vital importance of Zakat is reflected in God's law: "My mercy encompasses all things, but I will specify it for the righteous who give Zakat" (7:156).


Zakat must be carefully calculated and given away on a regular basis whenever we receive any income. Government taxes should be deducted, but not other expenses such as debts, mortgages, and living expenses. If one does not know needy persons, he or she may give the Zakat to a mosque or charitable organization with the distinct purpose of helping poor people. Charities given to mosques or hospitals or organizations cannot be considered Zakat.

(4) Fasting

The commandment for fasting is given in 2:185.

[2:185] Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation.

The full details of fasting is given in 2:183-187.

Night of Destiny

The Night of Destiny is the 27th night of Ramadan. It is the night the Quran was revealed. Chapter 97 deals with this night. We learn that this night is better than 1000 months. As Submitters, we take this opportunity to praise and worship God, commemorating Him throughout the night. This is the night where God sends the angels to carry out every command on Earth. God is the Hearer of our prayers.

[97:1] We revealed it in the Night of Destiny.

[97:2] How awesome is the Night of Destiny!

[97:3] The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months.

[97:4] The angels and the Spirit descriptionend therein, by their Lord's leave, to carry out every command.

[97:5] Peaceful it is until the advent of the dawn.

(5) Pilgrimage

What is Pilgrimate (Hajj)?

Once in a lifetime, Hajj and Umrah are decreed for those who can afford it. Pilgrimage commemorates Abraham's exemplary submission to God (Appendix 9), and must be observed during the four Sacred Months - Zul-Hijjah, Muharram, Safar, & Rabi I (12th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd months) (2:197; 9:2, 36). Umrah can be observed any time.

Have the Hajj months been distorted?

Like all other duties in Islam, Hajj has been distorted. Most Muslims observe Hajj only during a few days in Zul-Hijjah, and they consider Rajab, Zul-Qi'dah, Zul-Hijjah, and Muharram (7th, 11th, 12th, 1st months) to be the Sacred Months. This is a distortion that is strongly condemned (9:37).

How does the pilgrimage begin?

The pilgrimage begins with a bath or shower, followed by a state of sanctity called "Ihraam," where the male pilgrim wears seamless sheets of material, and the woman wears a modest dress (2:196). Throughout Hajj, the pilgrim abstains from sexual intercourse, vanities such as shaving and cutting the hair, arguments, misconduct, and bad language (2:197). Cleanliness, bathing, and regular hygiene practices are encouraged. Upon arrival at the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, the pilgrim walks around the Kabah seven times, while glorifying and praising God (2:125, 22:26-29). The common formula is: "Labbayka Allaahumma Labbayk" (My God, I have responded to You). "Labbayka Laa Shareeka Laka Labbayk" (I have responded to You, and I proclaim that there is no other god besides You; I have responded to You). The next step is to walk the half-mile distance between the knolls of Safa and Marwah seven times, with occasional trotting (2:158). This completes the Umrah portion of the pilgrimage.

What happens after the Umrah portion?

The pilgrim then goes to Arafat to spend a day of worship, meditation, and glorification of God, from dawn to sunset (2:198). After sunset, the pilgrim goes to Muzdalifah where the Night Prayer is observed, and 21 pebbles are picked up for the symbolic stoning of Satan at Mina. From Muzdalifah, the pilgrim goes to Mina to spend two or three days (2:203). On the first morning at Mina, the pilgrim offers an animal sacrifice to feed the poor and to commemorate God's intervention to save Ismail and Abraham from Satan's trick (37:107, Appendix 9). The stoning ceremonies symbolize rejection of Satan's polytheism and are done by throwing seven pebbles at each of three stations, while glorifying God (15:34). The pilgrim then returns to Mecca and observes a farewell circumvolution of the Kabah seven times.

Should we visit the Prophet's city (Medina)?

Unfortunately, most of today's Muslim pilgrims make it a custom to visit the prophet Muhammad's tomb where they commit the most flagrant acts of idolatry and thus nullify their Hajj. The Quran consistently talks about "The Sacred Mosque," while today's Muslims talk about "The Two Sacred Mosques!" In a glaring act of idolatry, the Muslims have set up Muhammad's tomb as another "Sacred Mosque!" This is a blasphemous violation of the Quran, and, ironically, even violates Hadith. The Hadith shown below illustrates this strange irony:

"God has cursed the Jews and Christians for turning the tombs of their prophets into mosques." [Bukhari, Nawawi Edition, Vol. 6, Page 14]